Hi! I am soooooo excited to once again be participating in the SO Polar Plunge!! Together, with my husband Joel, my brother Elijah, my sibling Sky, her girlfriend Seren, and of course, my parents, we are plunging to help raise money for Special Olympics NY.
I went to the USA Games during June of 2023 in Orlando, Florida as a NYS powerlifter!! I had one of the most incredible times of my life! I won a gold medal for the deadlift, and a silver for the bench press, a silver medal overall, and placed 4th for the squat. I also got to go to Disney World for the first time in my life. I made so many friends, and memories to last a lifetime! Then I competed in the NYS Summer Games in June 2023 at Ithaca College. I got a gold medal overall in my weight class! In June 2024, Joel and I both competed in the NYS Summer Games, and we walked away with more medals and ribbons! Since then we have been building our muscles working out at the YMCA with our trainer Briggs.
Joel and I have been married for 1 1/2 years now! We love being married AND being in Special Olympics together. Our favorite sport is powerlifting, but we also participated in floor ball this winter and are doing bowling and basketball this spring! I have just graduated from the NYS Special Olympics Athlete Leadership Council, and am now going to be a Special Olympics Ambassador at special events.
I can't wait to plunge into Cayuga Lake again with my family on Saturday March 22nd at the Polar Plunge! My future goals are to compete in the 2025 State Games, qualify for the USA 2026 Games, and maybe even compete someday in the World Games!
Would you like to donate to our team? Your support is helping all the athletes of Special Olympics NY to participate in trainings, activities, and competitions at no cost to them or their caregivers. In other words--you are helping me, and all my friends in Special Olympics, experience some of the best moments of our lives!!